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header_logo Tutorial 2 - Basic Layout

We're going to make a few minor aesthetic changes to give us room for graphs in the report. We will use both bar and pie graphs to indicate how many vacation days and how much vacation buyout money employees are entitled to. These graphs provide managers with an accurate idea on where they stand at a quick glance.


Almost everything here has been covered in Tutorial #1.


1.Change the font of our EMPLOYEE VACATION REPORT label and moved it from outside the table into the department header.
2.Add highvalue Dynamic Property. It needs to be a DataSet. Populate the data within the Ignition designer, under the highvalue dynamic property of the Report Viewer component just like we did in Tutorial #1. Our new SQL query:

SELECT *, CAST(income/360 * 1.5 * vacationdays AS SIGNED) buyout FROM employees WHERE (income/360 * 1.5 * vacationdays) > 5000;

We are creating a second DataSet that contains the subset of employees whose buyout value exceeds $5000. This will simplify our conditional average and total calculations.

3.Add yellow header rectangle and move page numbers up.
4.Resize table downward to the bottom of the page for more room.
5.Add yellow labels for summary aggregates. We will be using: count, total, and average and placing them under department summary.


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