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header_logo Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties are user defined variables and DataSets attached to a report viewer. They allows your report to be populated by data within Ignition. This paradigm is powerful because it gives you the flexibility of Ignition features: use any database connection for SQL queries, expression functions, bindings, etc. This also allows selection changes within Ignition to automatically update your report's data. Reporting dynamic properties work similarly to the dynamic properties of a graph or container.


Report Viewer Dynamic Properties

1.Define dynamic properties in the Report Designer by clicking the database icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen.



2.Click "Ok" to get out of the Report Designer and back into the Ignition designer.
3.Populate your dynamic properties as you would any other Ignition properties.
4.Go back into the Report Designer. Your data is listed under the Keys Attribute Panel


Dynamic Property values are introduced into the report as "keys"

5.Your keys may now be referenced in the Report. For example, @StartDate@ would display 08/25/2006. It can be formatted however you wish via the Formatter attribute panel.




Dynamic Properties bring data into your report in the form of keys. To reference these keys, see substitution keys, a fundamental aspect of reporting