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The menu provides quick access to many common functions. It is divided into five sections:




The edit menu provides functions like cut, copy and paste.

Menu Item



Undoes the last action.


Re-does the last undo (assuming nothing was changed after the last undo).


Allows you to easily duplicate or import document elements using the system clipboard.

Select All

Selects all elements at the current level of selection (or all text, if editing a text field).



The format menu is used for text formatting.

Menu Item


Font Panel...

This selects up the Font Panel tab of the Attributes panel.

Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline

Modifies or unmodifies currently select text or text fields. This functionality is also available in the font panel.

Align Left, Center, Right

Aligns currently selected text or text fields to the left, center or right. This functionality is also available in the Text Inspector.

Subscript, Superscript

Modifies or unmodifies currently select text or text fields.



The pages menu allows you to add or remove pages to the report and change the zoom level

Menu Item


Add Page

Adds a page to the current open document, after the currently selected page.

Add Page Previous

Adds a page to the current open document, before the currently selected page.

Remove Page

Removes the currently selected page in the current open document.

Zoom In/Out

Increases/decreases document zoom by 10%.

Zoom 100%/200%

Zooms to the specified percent of actual document size.

Zoom Toggle Last

Zooms to the last specified Zoom.


Brings up a zoom panel that allows you to exactly specify a zoom as a percentage of actual document size.


Zoom Panel Dialog



This shapes menu allows you to modify the layout of objects in a report

Menu Item



Allows you to merge the currently selected shapes into a single shape for convenient management. Contained shapes are still accessible, via double-click super-select. Ungroup separates grouped shapes.

Bring to Front/Send to Back

All shapes have an order on the page that determines what is drawn on top when two shapes overlap. These options allow you to alter that order.

Make Row Top/Center/Bottom

Quickly align several shapes in a row, either by their top, center, or bottom border. Useful when shapes are of different heights.

Make Column Left/Center/Right

Same as above, but for columns, aligning their sides or center.

Make Same Size, Width, Height

Make several shapes the same width, height or both.

Equally Space Row/Column

Equalizes the distance between shapes horizontally or vertically.

Group in Switch/3D Shape

This feature groups selected shapes in a Switch Shape, which has the same features as Table Row Versions. It's a powerful way to conditionally provide a different look for a specific element.

Move to new layer

Creates a new page layer with the currently selected shapes.

Combine/Subtract Paths

Takes multiple overlapping shapes (such as a rectangle and an oval) and combines them into a single shape using the combined paths. A powerful tool to construct complex shapes.

Convert Into Image

Converts the selected shape into an image. Be sure to group shapes first if you want to convert multiple shapes into a single image.



The tools menu contains layout tools

Menu Item


Color Panel

Selects the color tab in the Attribute Panel.

Font Panel

Selects the font tab in the Attribute Panel.

Formatter Panel

Selects the format tab in the Attribute Panel.

Keys Panel

Selects the keys tab in the Attribute Panel.

Toggle Rulers

Adds rulers to the page borders to assist in precise layout.

Image Placeholder

Adds an empty image placeholder object to the document, which can be positioned, sized and configured with a substitution key.


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