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Selection is done with the selection tool btnselection on the tool bar.

Reporting has a "deeper" selection model than the Ignition designer. Simple object selection is done by single clicking an object. "Selecting deep" is done by double-clicking to get into the report hierarchy. For instance, if you group two rectangles together, you can select the individual rectangles by double clicking "into" the group.


Superselection refers to an editing state that some shapes go into when double clicked. Text is the most common of these. When a text box is selected you can move and resize it. When it's super-selected, you can place the text cursor or select a range of characters and insert or delete text. The polygon and pencil are two other basic tools that support superselection.



Multiple Selection

Multiple Selection can be done two ways:

Clicking and dragging the mouse over a range of the report. Everything the selection rectangle touches becomes selected.
Hold the shift key while making a selection or dragging a selection rect. Shapes hit by that action will be added or removed from the currently selected shapes.



Resizing and Moving objects

To resize or move an object first select it with a single click. To resize left click and drag one of the 8 resizing handles. To move the object, left click and drag anywhere on the object when it is selected. Both operations support shift dragging.




Alignment is accomplished by selecting multiple objects, then choosing "Make ..." from the shapes menu or right click menu.

Shapes Menu Item


Make Row Top/Center/Bottom

Quickly align several shapes in a row, either by their top, center, or bottom border. Useful when shapes are of different heights.

Make Column Left/Center/Right

Same as above, but for columns, aligning their sides or center.

Make Same Size, Width, Height

Make several shapes the same width, height or both.

Equally Space Row/Column

Equalizes the distance between shapes horizontally or vertically.


Shift Drag

Holding the shift key while you drag shapes will constrain movement to: horizontal, vertical, or 45 degrees.




Getting used to selection and superselection is one of the most important concepts to master to become proficient with Ignition Reporting.