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This guide steps you through creating basic report that contains a table and pie chart with the default DataSet, Data, shown below. Click here to learn how to install the Ignition Reporting module or here to learn how to populate the report with your own data.



We begin with the default DataSet, Data, that comes attached to every Report Viewer.



Default DataSet, Data

Here are the steps to creating the report:

1.Install Ignition Reporting Module
2.Drag Report Viewer from Reporting tab into project window
3.Open Report Designer by selecting Report Viewer and clicking on the Customizer.


4.Select the keys tab of the Attributes panel and drag Data to the report.
5.Select graph
6.Click on the report to unselect the graph. Drag Data again, this time select table.


7.Drag Value key down to "Keys:" or type Value
8.Keep double-clicking until you select "Legend" then type @Label@ or drag the Label key in.


9.On the Graph tab of the Inspector Panel, select the pie chart icon btnPie.
10.Drag colors from the Color Attribute Panel to the graph's series colors.
11.Superselect the graph shape and resize the graph and legend.


12.On the Graph tab, check Show Bar/Wedge Labels.
13.Superselect the label text. Change the font size to 12 point.
14.Change the text to "@Value@ (@100 * Value / total.Value@%)". We're intermingling static text and substitution keys to display both the value and percentage.
15.Select @Value@ text and type Cntl+B to make it bold.


16.Select Table and check Header
17.Drag extra column off workspace to get rid of it. This can also be done in the table inspector.
18.Type in headers. In this case we made the text bold and centered.
19.Drag key columns to Data Details columns.
20.For percentage, we use "@Value / * 100@%" or "@Value / * 100@%"
21.Drag Value key to Sorting:. Click descending sort desc.


22.Resize the graph and modify the label
23.Double-click the graph, click to add Alternate Row Version
24.Click Standard on Data Details, select Alternate
25.Change the row fill color to gray.
26.Do the same for the Data Header fill color with a darker gray.
27.Select the graph and add a border (stroke) in the Stroke tab.


28.Drag in a gradient filled rectangle, text and the included image Bultin/icons/48/check2.png to create our header
29.From the Keys tab, click Built-ins and drag down page numbers.




Our finished first report