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Typical Navigation Strategy

Make sure you understand the Window Types topic before reading this topic.


The typical navigation strategy for a Vision project is to have a "docked" window or two (usually docked north and/or west), and then have a single main  window visible at a time. Swap navigation is used to swap between the main windows. This ensures that only one main window is open at a time. Standard open navigation is then used to open various "popup" windows as necessary.


This style of project is so common, that the default operation of the Tab Strip component expects it. When it is in its default automatic operation, it expects that each tab represents a "screen" window, and will automatically swap from the current screen to the desired screen. Furthermore, the [System]/Client/User/CurrentWindow tag is calculated based upon this strategy: its value is the name of the current maximized window.


This navigation strategy is used in the "ExampleProject" that you can download from our website.