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header_logo Tutorial 1 - Row Versioning

Now we want to color in the rows, and create different row versions for those employees that are entitled more than $5000.



Here were the steps for this report

1.We begin by customizing the Standard Row Version, created by default for header, details, and summary. Click Data Details to select the row and use the fill/stroke inspector to add a background color (fill) and border (stroke). Resize columns and try to make all adjustments now as duplicate rows will be based on this one.
2.Click on the Row Version Label (Where the image shows Click here to add "Row Versions") and click "Add Alternate".
3.Customize Alternate rows. In this case our only change was to darken the background color.
4.Click on the Row Version Label (Where the image shows Click here to add "Row Versions") and click "Add Custom". Add badnews
5.Customize badnews rows. To illustrate flexibility, added borders to the individual key labels, changed background colors, and modified font properties including the bold property and text centering.
6.Double click on the table then click on Data Details to select the Data Details row. Select the shape specific inspector property. Under Table Row Version Key: we enter:


How it works: This conditional statement will return the string "badnews" if buyout exceeds $5000 for a given employee, changing the row version to badnews for that person. We intentionally don't specify an ELSE condition. Since a valid string is not returned, the report will default to using Standard, Alternate, or whatever builtin row versions are defined.


Would make employees show up as our Alternate dark gray or badnews red. Standard would never be displayed. Note: Versions are different for each row, and they each have their own defining Table Row Version Key

7.Make final minor cosmetic changes



Done for now!

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Borrow the look and feel of an existing report! This is much easier than it looks!