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header_logo Tables - Grouping

Grouping breaks tables down by keys that share a common value. Tables support an arbitrary level of groups. Each can have its own header, detail, and summary rows. Additionally, totals and other aggregate functions are supported for any level of grouping.

See Table Rows for specifics on row precedence with grouped tables.


This example begins with the Table Basics example. We'll group our existing downtime report table by equipment.

1.Drag the equipment key into the grouping table inspector.
2.Check header, detail, and summary to enable all.
3.Add headers and details.
4.Use @total.time@ for both summary rows. Notice that the total respects grouping.

In the equipment Summary row total.time is a sum of all time at that level of grouping, which includes all downtime events. In the Data Summary row total.time is a sum of all downtime at that level of grouping, total time that has already been grouped by equipment, equivalently, total downtime by equipment.






Separating Groups with new pages

Clicking on the gray box of a particular level of grouping on the grouping panel of the table inspector will change the icon from the default icon iconDefault to the New Page icon iconNewPage. Each new instance of that level of grouping will create a new page in the report.

In the example above, separating the equipment level of grouping by page would create separate report pages for the following: labeler, filler, palletizer, and converyor line.


Previous (Table Row Versioning)



Double Clicking a key while a table is selected will add that key to the grouping list and add it as a table row.