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Launch a Client

Now that we've created a window, lets launch a client to see it in action. Make sure you've saved your project, and then go back to the Ignition Gateway homepage. Your project will appear in the Launch Projects panel with a big Launch button its right. Click on the launch button to start up a Client.


You'll need to log into the Client. By default, a new project uses the same user source as the Gateway - so the admin / password credentials will work.


Once you've logged in, you will see your window running. Now go back into the Designer and make a change to the window and hit Save. Your Client will show a notification that there are updates to the project. Click on the notification and the Client will update itself.


Thats it - you can launch as many clients as you want! Try it out - if you've got other computers on the same network as the Gateway computer try launching on them too. Make sure that your Gateway computer doesn't have a Firewall enabled, or if it does, it is allowing traffic on port 8088 - the default port for the Ignition web server.


See also:

Web Launching

Native Client Launchers