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Web Launching

Web-launching is the mechanism by which clients and designers are opened on a machine. They are launched from the Ignition gateway, download and run without requiring any installation steps.


How Web-Launching Works

Web-launching relies on Java Web Start technology. When the user clicks on a project or designer link in the Ignition gateway (or embedded in a separate website), they download a small JNLP file that describes the application. When this file is opened (usually automatically), Java is invoked on the user's machine and directed to the remote application. The application is downloaded and cached, and then executed.


The running application (an Ignition client or designer) communicates with the gateway via HTTP. It is cached for increased subsequent launch speed, and can optionally install a link in the Start menu and on the desktop for easy access.  By default a shortcut is created for you but this setting can be changed in the Java Control Panel.


Troubleshooting Web Launch Problems

There are a few common problems that can cause difficulties with web-launching. Fortunately, they are often easy to fix.


No Java Installed

Web-launching clients and designers requires having Java version 6 or greater installed on the client machine. The Ignition gateway will detect whether Java is installed and offer help, but users are free to download and install Java on their own. Java can be installed by visiting

No Network Connection

Web-launched clients depend on network connectivity to connect to the server. If the network is unavailable, the client cannot be launched. This is often a problem with clients and designers launched directly from desktop/start menu links.

Cached References to Modified Servers

The cached projects/launch shortcuts contain the address of the gateway machine. If the server is relocated, these links will no longer work. They can be updated by re-launching from the gateway.


Still having problems? You can also try Native Client Launchers