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Create a Window

Lets create a window so we can use our SQLTags for some basic status and control. Click on the New Window ( window_new ) icon in the toolbar or use the File > New > Window menu item.


SQLTags are used in windows to power property bindings on components. The easiest way to make some components that are bound to SQLTags is to simply drag and drop some tags onto your window.


When you drag a SQLTag onto a window, you'll get a popup menu asking you what kind of component to make. You can Display the tag with some components, and control the tag with other components. Drag a few tags onto the screen to experiment with the different options.


As you're editing your project, you can hit the Save ( disk_blue ) to save you changes. In Ignition, you're not editing a file. Your Designer is linked up to the Ignition Gateway. When you hit save, the project is saved back on the central Gateway. Any running Clients would be notified that there is a new version of the project available.


See also:

Creating Components / SQLTags Drag-n-Drop