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Launching Clients

Clients are launched by going to the gateway homepage. See Gateway Navigation for more information about accessing the gateway.


There are three ways to run clients: Windowed, Full screen, and Applet. The mode can be chosen from the drop down next to the project name. Clicking on the project name will launch the project in the default mode. Certain modes may not be available, depending on project settings.



The "Windowed" mode is the standard launch method. The client will be web-launched using Java Web-Start and will have its own window. In this mode, it will run as a full, independent application. After being launched, the browser can be closed and the project can be launched from a shortcut on the desktop.


Full Screen

The "full screen" launch mode is similar to the Windowed mode, and will also use web-launching to run the client as a full, independent application. In this mode, however, the client will occupy the full screen, and will not have a title bar. This mode is ideal for touch-screen display panels, and other displays where the Ignition project will be the sole focus on the screen.



Selecting "applet" launch mode will run the client application as an applet embedded in your web browser. Applet mode is most commonly used to integrate Vision projects into existing web sites, such as in a corporate intranet setting.



If you have the Mobile Module installed, you can launch projects on your smartphone or tablet as well. All the user has to do to launch a mobile client is to connect their mobile device to the wireless network and point the web-browser to the Gateway's LAN address. At this point, they'll be presented with a mobile-optimized version of the Ignition Gateway homepage, where they can select a project to launch. Note that projects must have at least one window defined and be enabled for mobile launching in order to show up in this list. After selecting a project and logging in, they can use the project like a normal project. To access the mobile project context menu, press and hold on your touch-sensitive device. A circular menu will appear allowing you to switch between pointer and pan/zoom mode, as well as options for logging out and entering text input.