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UDP and TCP Drivers

The UDP and TCP drivers are strictly passive listeners. The UDP driver is configured to listen to one or more ports on a given IP address. The TCP driver is configured to connect to one or more ports on a given IP address.


Rules are configured that dictate how the incoming data is interpreted.



Structure in the Address Space

A device using the UDP or TCP driver appears in the Devices folder of the OPC-UA server with the name it was configured to use. Browse the device will yield one folder per port configured to listen on.


Browsing the port folder will yield 1 variable node containing the entire message received as well as an addition variable node per field configured.


A device configured with a field count of 4 would have 5 nodes total - 1 for the message and 4 for the fields.





Device Name

The name to give to the device using this driver. This will appear in the Devices folder when browsing the OPC-UA server.

Browse Timeout

Amount of time before a browse operation times out.

Read Timeout

Amount of time before a read operation times out.

Write Timeout

Amount of time before a write operation times out.

Enable Device

Whether or not this device is currently enabled. Disabled devices will not make a connection attempt.




On the UDP driver, this will be the port(s) to listen on.


On the TCP driver, this will be the port(s) to connect to.


Separate multiple ports with a comma.

IP Address

On the UDP driver, this will be the IP address to listen to.


On the TCP driver, this will be the IP address to connect to.



Message Delimiter Type

Sets the method used to determine how much or what data length constitutes a full "message".


Packet Based - Assumes that whatever arrives in one packet, regardless if length or content, is the message.


Character Based - Content is appended to a message buffer until the given character arrives, at which point the contents of the buffer are considered the message.


Fixed Size - Content is appended to a message buffer until some fixed number of bytes is received, at which point the contents of the buffer are considered the message.

Message Delimiter

If the message delimiter type is "Character Based" then this shall be the character used to identify a message.


If the type is "Fixed Size" than this shall be the size used to identify a message.

Field Count

The number of fields within a message must be fixed.  This property dictates how many fields will be present in each message.


When the number of fields received does not match the designated count all nodes will receive quality BAD_CONFIG_ERROR.

Field Delimiter

The character(s) that are to be used as field delimiters.


For example, the message "a|b|c|d" with a field delimiter of "|" (no quotes) would be split into four fields: "a", "b", "c", and "d".  The field count would have to be set at 4.