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SMS Notification

The Airlink Sms Notification Module gives users the ability to deliver SMS alarm notifications via an Airlink Raven XE cellular modem configured with a SIM card belonging to an active cellular account. If enabled, recipients of these messages can reply with a special code in order to acknowledge the alarm.


Gateway Configuration

To create an SMS notification profile, go to Configure -> Alarming -> Notification in the Ignition gateway, select "new profile", and select the appropriate profile type. Enter the relevant details concerning your device, and save the profile. The Airlink Address and Send Port are configured in the device, and the Receive Port is the port used by Ignition when two-way messaging is enabled. Therefore, the port must not already be used by the host system, and must not be blocked by a firewall.


Two-way Messaging

If enabled, the message recipients will be able to acknowledge alarms by replying to the SMS messages received. This is communicated to Ignition via UDP data sent from the modem. Therefore, the Airlink modem must be configured with the IP address of the system.


Device Configuration

Basic configuration of the Airlink modem can be accomplished by importing a template settings file provided by Inductive Automation. The only settings that must be configured manually are the IP Address of the device, and that of the reply target, when using two-way messaging.


Multiple Systems with One Modem

It is possible to use one SMS modem with multiple Ignition systems for one-way messaging. Only one system can receive responses for two-way messaging.