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Alarm Journal

An alarm journal stores historical information about alarms in a database. It can store basic data about alarms that have occurred, such as their source and timestamp, along with associated data on the alarm, and the values of the alarm's properties at the time the event occurred. The alarm journal is used by the Alarm History Component, and can be accessed through scripting functions and direct database queries.


Creating a new Alarm Journal

Alarm journals can be created by going to Alarming>Journal in the Ignition gateway, and selecting "Create new...". The only required setting is the Datasource, which must be a valid database connection.


Filtering Settings

The minimum priority and store shelved events options filter what time of alarm events are stored in the journal. "Shelved" events are alarms that have been temporarily silenced by operators. Though they are not displayed to users, these events continue to be generated, and can be stored if the journal settings permit it. When stored, they will have a special flag indicating that they were shelved at the time.


Use Store and Forward

If enabled, the alarm events will go through the Store and Forward system. This system protects data from being lost due to temporary database connectivity issues.


Event Data

Alarm events consist of two main types of data: the primary information about the alarm, such as transition state, time, etc, and the "event data". These settings specify what type of event data is stored:

Static Config - Alarm properties that are not bound. These do not change during evaluation, only when a user modifies them in the designer, and so they are not stored by default.
Dynamic Config - Alarm properties that are bound. The value of these properties can change at any given time, and the values at the time of the alarm are captured on the alarm event.
Static Associated Data - Associated Data (properties created by the user) that are not bound, and do not change during execution.
Dynamic Associated Data - Associated Data that is dynamically bound.


Data Pruning

If enable, the system will periodically delete data older than the specified timeframe. Note that since the data is stored directly in a database, an administrator is free to manually delete data at any time.


Advanced Properties - Table Names

These settings allow you to specify your own table names. This is especially useful when trying to use multiple alarm profiles within a single database (not common, but can happen, especially with multiple systems sharing a single database).


Table Definitions

The alarm journal system will automatically create the necessary tables for you, and scripting functions can be used to query the system without having to know about the table structure. However, understanding the structure of the alarm journal tables can be useful for accessing the data in situations where SQL queries are more convenient.



Alarm Events (alarm_events)

This table stores the core data for each event that occurs. An event is a transition for an alarm between active, cleared, or acknowledged. Additionally, other events may be stored in this table that aren't directly related to an alarm, such as a system shutdown event. This table defines a primary key "id", that is used as a foreign key by the Alarm Event Data table, which stores additional information for each event.

Column Name

Data Type




A unique integer id for each event entry.



The UUID of the alarm event that this individual event is related to. Each "alarm event" (one particular active/clear/ack cycle of a defined alarm) receives a unique id in order to distinguish it from other events from the same source.



The qualified path of the entity that generated the alarm event. See below for more information about qualified paths.

display path


The value set for the "Display Path" of the alarm. Generally a user defined, friendlier version of the source.



The priority or severity of the alarm:

0: Diagnostic

1: Low

2: Medium

3: High

4: Critical



The type of transition represented by this event:

0: Active

1: Clear

2: Acknowledgement



A numeric bitmask flag field providing additional information about the event.

Bit 0: System Event - See below for more information

Bit 1: Shelved Event - The alarm was "shelved" at the time that the event occurred. Shelving alarms does not prevent execution, so if the journal is configured to store shelved events, they will be stored even if they're not sent to the notification system, or shown to users.

Bit 2: System Acknowledgement - When the "live event limit" (defined in general alarm settings) is exceeded, the system will automatically acknowledge overflow events, and the acknowledgment event will have this flag set.



The time of the event.


Alarm Event Data (alarm_event_data)

This table stores the properties associated with an alarm event. The individual event is referenced through the "id" column, against the alarm event table.

Column Name

Data Type




The id that corresponds to the alarm event in the alarm_events table.



The name of the property. May be one of the common alarm properties (a configuration setting), or the name of an associated data property.



The data type of the property, indicating which data column should be used:

0: Integer

1: Float

2: String

intvalue, floatvalue, strvalue

integer, float (double), string

The corresponding value columns for the property. Unused columns will receive "null" values.

Note: Although the dtype column indicates which data column should be used, since null will be stored in the unused columns, using "coalesce(intvalue, floatvalue, strvalue)" provided by most databases is an effective way to query the value.


About System Events

System events are stored in the journal to record actions that aren't directly related to a particular alarm. Currently the following events are stored:

System Startup
System Shutdown
Alarms Shelved
Alarms Un-shelved


Qualified Paths

A qualified path in Ignition is a path to an object, described by various annotated components. Each component has a type identifier, and a value, separated by a colon (":"), and each component is separated by colon-foward slash (":/"). For example, an alarm is identified by "alm:Alarm Name". It usually exists under a tag, in which case its fuller path would be "tag:Path/To/Tag:/alm:Alarm Name". Paths can be built up further depending on the level of specificity required by the situation.