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The Vice President of Widget Co. is so happy with his EMPLOYEE VACATION REPORT that he insists you be the only one to modify it. After much thought he has come up with additional changes that will make his analysis easier and more effective.

1.Only display the EMPLOYEE VACATION REPORT header on the first page. Do what you can to maximize page usage. You are instructed not to remove the blue border.
2.Add pie graphs that illustrate vacation buyout value by department to indicate monetary entitlement.
3.Add bar graphs that show the number of vacation days per employee by department.
4.Add a summary bar chart that shows buyout values of employees with the greatest value, indicating the value and department.
5.Calculate average and total: income level, vacation days, and buyout value for all employees.
6.Calculate average and total: income level, vacation days, and buyout value for all employees with a buyout value exceeding $5000.

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