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Project Management

Project management is performed under Configuration > Projects in the gateway. Some project management can also be performed through the designer. See Designer Project Properties for more information.


Creating a new Project

To create a new project, click on "Create new project" from the project management page. To create a new project you'll define:

Name - A unique name for the project in the system. The name may only consist of alphanumeric characters and the '_' character. Spaces and other special characters are not supported. Note: it is not advisable to change this after it's been created, instead, change the Title if you want to change how the project appears later.
Description - Purely for informational purposes for the user.
Title - How the project will appear to users.
Enabled - Determines whether or not the project is enabled.  A disabled project will not be available to launch from the gateway and none of the transaction groups or gateway scripts will run.


Additionally, there are a few crucial properties that dictate how the project is accessed and how elements inside of it act:


user source

The profile to use for granting access to the project. For more information, see the Security section.

Default Database

All elements of the project will use this database connection unless explicitly specified otherwise.

Default SQLTags Provider

The primary SQLTags provider for the project. Most installations will likely only have one provider, but in situations where there are more than one, this is the provider that will be used by default.


Deleting Projects

Projects can be deleted by selecting the "Delete" option to the right of the project name in the list. Be aware that this action cannot be undone, and once a project is deleted it is gone forever (unless it can be recovered from a backup or auto-backup. See the Backups section for more information).


Copying Projects

Projects can be cloned easily using the "Copy" link next to the project's entry. This is useful for creating a "snapshot" of a project before starting major changes, or for creating a starting point for a new project based on an old one.