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Project General Properties

A project's general properties apply to the project as a whole, across all module functionality. You can edit a project's general properties in the Designer by double-clicking on the Configuration > Properties node in the Project Browser, or by navigating to the Project > Properties menu.


Note that a few properties of a project, such as its name, description, and title are set in the Gateway by clicking on the edit link next to a project under the Configuration > Projects section.


Important Concept: Defaults

Project General Properties is where you set the project's Default Database and its Default SQLTags Provider. It is important to understand how to use defaults effectively for proper project design. Wherever you use a database connection or a SQLTag in a project, you are always given the option to use the project's default, or an explicitly named connection or provider. If your project is like most typical projects, it primarily uses a single database and a single SQLTags provider. By consistently using the "default" option, you make your project more resilient to change.


For example, suppose you have designed a project, and it has a database connection called "Production_DB". Now you want to adapt the project to a new, similar plant, while leaving the existing project intact. You copy the project and create a new database connection, called "New_DB". If your project consistently used its default database connection, the switchover will be as simple as changing the copied project's default database. However, if you used the explicit "Production_DB" connection in your groups and screens, you will need to laboriously switch the bindings over to "New_DB".


SQLTags Settings

The SQLTags provider chosen here will act as the project's default provider. To use the default provider, simply omit the source section of a tag path, or leave it blank, for example: Path/To/MyTag or []Path/To/MyTag. The client poll rate is the rate at which a Vision Client or Ignition Designer polls the Gateway for updates to its subscribed SQLTags.

Database Settings

The default database connection to use for this project. To use the default database connection, use the special <default> connection, or in scripting, the empty-string connection "".

Security Settings

Choose the user source that governs this project's security. This profile will be used for client logins. You may also optionally specify a list of roles that are required for a user to log into this project. Use commas to separate the roles. Users must have all of the roles in order to log in. If no roles are specifed, the user only needs to correctly authenticate with the user source in order to log in.

Auditing Settings

If auditing is enabled, audit events will be stored that relate to this project in the chosen audit profile.

Publishing Settings

This is where you configure whether or not a project is split into separate staging and published versions. By choosing "Manual" publish mode, pressing Save in the the Designer will alter the Staging version of the project. The Published version of the project will only be updated when you hit the "Publish" button. If you are in "Auto" publish mode, each save acts like a save followed by a publish, so the two versions are always the same. You can also specify here whether or not commit messages are required, and if so, under what conditions.


See also:

Project Management

Tag Paths

Security Overview

Project Versioning