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Paintable Canvas |
![]() A paintable canvas in Description The Paintable Canvas component is a component that can be custom "painted" using Jython scripting. By responding to the component's repaint event, a designer can use Java2D to draw anything within the component's bounds. Whenever any dynamic properties on the component change, the component is re-painted automatically, making it possible to create dynamic, vector-drawn components that can represent anything.
This component is an advanced component for those who are very comfortable using scripting. It is not user-friendly. The upside is that it is extraordinarily powerful, as your imagination is the only limit with what this component can be.
When you first drop a Paintable Canvas onto a window, you'll notice that it looks like a placeholder. If you switch the Designer into preview mode, you'll see an icon of a pump displayed. The pump is an example that comes pre-loaded into the Paintable Canvas. By editing the component's event scripts, you can dissect how the pump was drawn. You will notice that the script uses Java2D. You can read more about Java2D here You will notice that as you resize the pump, it scales beautifully in preview mode. Java2D is a vector drawing library, enabling you to create components that scale very gracefully.
See also: Properties
Scripting Events The following event sets are fired by this component. See Component Event Handlers to learn more.
Scripting Functions This component has no special scripting functions. |