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Installation (Debian Package Management)

Ignition can be quickly installed using the package management tools installed on Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems. Debian package management is a powerful way to quickly install Linux programs and keep them up to date with minimal effort. Note that you need to be able to run as sudo to be able to install Ignition. Also, the machine where you would like to install Ignition must be connected to the Internet so that the installer and updates can be installed automatically. If you are installing Ignition to a non Internet-connected machine, use the downloadable Linux installers instead (see the Installation (Linux) section for more details).


Because the Ignition Debian installers launch the Gateway which requires Java 8, be sure to install Java 8 before starting the installation process.


The installer will install files in the following locations:

/usr/local/bin/ignition - contains binaries and startup scripts

/var/lib/ignition/data - contains application-generated files, temporary files and the internal database

/var/lib/ignition/user-lib - contains modules and JDBC jars

/var/log/ignition - contains the wrapper.log and other log files

/etc/ignition - contains configuration files. Symbolic links to these files are created in /var/lib/ignition/data.


When installing Ignition, you can choose whether to use the graphical package management tools, or install completely from the command line. With either option, Linux will automatically download the correct 32-bit or 64-bit installer depending on your installed system architecture. Note that the instructions below were written for an Ubuntu Linux system, but other Debian systems should still contain the same tools (although they may be under different menus).


Graphical installation:

1.Download the Inductive Automation public key file from or run wget on the command line.
2.Within Ubuntu, navigate to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.
3.Within Synaptic Package Manager, navigate to Settings -> Repositories.
4.Navigate to the Authentication tab. Click on "Import Key File" and select the downloaded ia.public.key file.
5.Navigate to the Other Software tab and click on the "Add" button. Add the following text to the textbox:

deb ignition non-free


6.If you would like to add the Ignition beta repository, click the "Add" button again and add this text to the textbox:

deb ignition-beta non-free


7.Be sure to uncheck the checkboxes next to repositories ending with "Source Code", as Ignition does not supply source code with the repositories.
8.Click the Close button. Within Synaptic Package Manager, click the Reload button. You can now type in "ignition" into the Quick Filter box and see the latest available Ignition repositories.
9.Right-click on the Ignition repository that you would like to install, and select "Mark for Installation". Then click the Apply button at the top. Ignition will be automatically downloaded and started. Navigate to http://localhost:8088 to log into the Ignition gateway.


Command line installation:

1.Run wget
2.Run sudo apt-key add ia.public.key
3.Copy /etc/apt/sources.list to /etc/apt/sources.list.bak
4.Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add these lines (the ignition-beta line is optional):

deb ignition non-free

deb ignition-beta non-free

5.Run sudo apt-get update to update the download list within the APT utility.
6.Run sudo apt-get install ignition to install the latest stable Ignition version or run sudo apt-get install ignition-beta to install the latest beta Ignition version.


If you would like to run the Gateway Command Utility or gwcmd right after installation, open a command shell in your home folder and run source .profile. This will force your command shell to reload the .profile script, which has been updated with a path to the Ignition executable during installation.


During an upgrade, the Ignition internal database, configuration files, and any custom installed modules will not be changed. Whenever a new version of Ignition is released, the online Debian repositories also get updated with the latest version. Your Linux environment will list Ignition in the list of package upgrades when a new version is available. As with the installation, you can choose whether to upgrade using a graphical environment or using the command line.


Graphical Upgrade:

Ignition will appear as an entry under your system's Update Manager under the "Other Updates" section. If you choose to install updates using the Update Manager, Ignition will be upgraded at the same time as other packages. You can also manually upgrade Ignition using Synaptic Package Manager. Locate "ignition" or "ignition-beta" in the list using the Quick Filter. Ignition can also be found in the World Wide Web section. Right-click and select "Mark for Upgrade". Then click "Apply" at the top. The latest version of Ignition will be downloaded and installed.


Command line upgrade:

Run sudo apt-get upgrade to upgrade all installed packages, including Ignition. To only upgrade Ignition, run sudo apt-get install ignition or sudo apt-get install ignition-beta. The APT utility will recognize that Ignition is already installed, and will perform the upgrade.