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Generic Simulator

The generic simulator provides a variety of tags that offer different data types and value generation styles. For example, there are ramps, sine waves, and random values. Additionally, there is a set of static writable tags whose values will persist while the device is running.


There are no configurable settings for the generic simulator.


Simulator tags

ReadOnly - static values that do not change for read only purpose

ReadOnlyBoolean1 - false

ReadOnlyBoolean2 - true

ReadOnlyShort1 - 1

ReadOnlyShort2 - 2

ReadOnlyInteger1 - 1

ReadOnlyInteger2 - 2

ReadOnlyLong1 - 1

ReadOnlyLong2 - 2

ReadOnlyFloat1 - 1.1

ReadOnlyFloat2 - 1.2

ReadOnlyDouble1 - 1.1

ReadOnlyDouble2 - 1.2

ReadOnlyString1 - "ABCDEFG"

ReadOnlyString2 - "ZYXWVUT"


Writeable - static values that you can read/write to, initial values below

WriteableBoolean1 - false

WriteableBoolean2 - false

WriteableShort1 - 0

WriteableShort2 - 0

WriteableInteger1 - 0

WriteableInteger2 - 0

WriteableLong1 - 0

WriteableLong2 - 0

WriteableFloat1 - 0

WriteableFloat2 - 0

WriteableDouble1 - 0

WriteableDouble2 - 0

WriteableString1 - "" (empty string)

WriteableString2 - "" (empty string)


Random - Random values updating at some rate, they follow Java Random(rate) - rate is the seed

RandomBoolean1 - 10 sec

RandomShort1 - 5 sec

RandomInteger1 - 1 sec

RandomLong1 - 2 sec

RandomFloat1 - 10 sec

RandomDouble1 - 10 sec


Sine - Different sine waves with frequency, amplitude and offset (listed in that order)

Sine1 - 0.1, 100.0, 0.0

Sine2 - 0.01, 50.0, -25.0

Sine3 - 0.02, 10.0, 10.0

Sine4 - 0.04, 100.0, 0.0

Sine5 - 0.08, 100.0, 0.0


Ramp - Ramp signals starting from 0 going up to some value at the specified rate. When they reach their upper limit, they are reset to zero.

Ramp1 - 0 - 100 @ 10 ms

Ramp2 - 25 - 75 @ 100 ms

Ramp3 - 0 - 100 @ 50 ms

Ramp4 - 0 - 100 @ 25 ms

Ramp5 - 0 - 100 @ 12.5 ms


Realistic - Values determined by adding a random number (between -1 and 1) to the current value.

Realistic1 - -50 - 50 @ 500 ms

Realistic2 - -50 - 50 @ 1000 ms

Realistic3 - -50 - 50 @ 1500 ms

Realistic4 - -50 - 50 @ 2000 ms

Realistic5 - -50 - 50 @ 2500 ms