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Gateway Monitoring

The Ignition Gateway can be monitored in detail under the Status section or from the Gateway Control Utility.


The Status section is broken down into the following parts.


The overview provides a top-down view of many of the components of your Gateway.  This view is also useful for determining what step might be next when setting up your Ignition Gateway for the first time.  You can view the status of your database connections, device connections, OPC connections, the number of open clients and the number of open designers.


A list of installed modules, their status, as well information about their version and current license state.


The SQLTags section lists information and statistics about all configured SQLTags Providers as well as a view into the SQLTags subscription model, scan classes, and what tags it is currently subscribed to.

Database Connections

This important section shows your database connections, their status, and their current load.  Each status panel has information about the connection such as queries/second, total queries, and the average query duration.

Store & Forward

The Store & Forward section shows you what each of your S&F engines are doing. They show the number of pending and quarantined records that exist in the various stages of the S&F engines, as well as the throughput of records going through each stage. Note that if the final sink (the Database Storage) is available, data will jump directly from the memory buffer to the database storage, skipping the local cache.

See also: Data Quarantining.

OPC Connections

All of your OPC connections and any subscriptions you have made through these connections will be shown in this section.  You can view the status of any connection as well as find details for trouble shooting when the status is bad.  Statistics on the number of reads, writes, and updates are also kept.


This section shows details about all of the Designer and Client sessions that are communicating with this Gateway. You can see detail about their subscriptions, user credentials, etc.


Ignition OPC-UA Server (Requires OPC-UA Module)

This section has two tabs of information.


The first tab is the Devices tab.  Here you will find a list of all configured devices, the status for each device, as well as details about the driver that device is using.


The second tab is the Server Statistics tab.  This is a set of basic performance statistics accumulated for the duration the server has been running as well as a list of subscriptions and their corresponding subscribed nodes that the server currently knows about.