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Gateway Console

The Gateway Console provides a wealth of information about the running state of the gateway. It is located under System > Console, in the gateway configuration portal. Most of the features in this section are for advanced troubleshooting, and are not often consulted in normal operation. Of all of the tabs in this section, the Log Viewer is the most useful for system administrators.


Log Viewer

The log viewer shows the most recent output of gateway "loggers"- units in the gateway application that output information.



The Levels tab shows all of the registered system loggers, and the level of detail that they should record.



This section shows the current state of all system threads.



Provides a breakdown of how memory is being used by Ignition.



Show a list of all registered "executors"- tasks that perform repeat operations.



This section is the entry point to the Raw Settings Viewer.  The Raw Settings Viewer allows advanced users to make queries against the internal database for advanced troubleshooting purposes.  There is potential to really do some damage to the Ignition installation if one isn't careful.  Use extreme caution when working directly with the internal database.