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Databases Overview

Database access is at the heart of the Ignition platform, enabling you to create robust data-centric systems. Relational "SQL"-based databases are extremely common in modern companies, and offer a tremendous amount of power and flexibility in storing, calculating, and manipulating data. By connecting Ignition to one or more databases, you can leverage this power to create systems that expose data, store historical information, and more.


Uses of Databases in Ignition

The following are a few places that databases are used in Ignition. While connecting to a database is not required for basic status and control functionality, it can dramatically increase the possibilities that the system offers.


Historical Data Logging

Logging data for historical analysis, either through SQLTags Historian or with the SQL Bridge module, requires a database connection. Databases are great at handling historical data, and by using a standard relational database your data is stored in an open format that can be used in many ways.


Reports, Graphs and Charts

The Vision module makes it easy to present data stored in databases in a variety of ways. You can quickly create charts that show performance over time, locate anomalies, detect trends, and more. Furthermore, it's important to remember that it is possible to pull data from any database that Ignition is connected to, even if the data wasn't placed there by Ignition. This means you can tie in data from other sources or areas of your company, such as pulling in inventory and staff information, as well.


Storing Alarm Logs

Store alarm information historically and examine it later for patterns or trouble spots.


Database-driven SQLTags

It is possible to use a SQL database as your SQLTags repository. Any other Ignition system with access to the database will be able to share and contribute tags, allowing you to create highly integrated distributed systems. For example, multiple plant sites could use SQLTags to report current status over a secure network connection to a central corporate headquarters.


Getting Started with Databases

The first step in using a database with Ignition is to identify or setup a database server. Many companies already have database servers maintained by their IT departments. If you do not, or wish to set up your own database server for Ignition, the Supported Databases section offers some advice on choosing a database vendor.


Once you've identified a server, all you need to do is create a connection to that server to get up and running.