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Creating and Editing Connections

Database connections are managed in the gateway under Databases > Connections. To create a new connection, click the Create new Database Connection link below the connection table.

Select a driver

Select the appropriate database driver for the server that you'll be connecting to. If a suitable driver isn't present in the list, you may need to install a new JDBC driver.

Configure Connection

After selecting the driver, you'll configure the settings for the connection. Some settings, such as the Connect URL may be specific to the driver that you're using.


Connection Settings

Connect URL

A string that instructs the driver how to connect to the database. This string will include the server address, and may include the port, instance name, database name, etc. The format and parameters will depend on the driver being used.


The username to use when connecting. Some databases support other authentication methods, such as Windows authentication, in which case this field would not be used.


The password to use for the given username.

Extra Connection Properties

Depending on which database you are connecting to there will be different default values placed in this box. MS SQL Server requires you to place your database name here, but for other databases you can usually leave this at its default values. Each database has its own set of available extra connection properties so you must refer to your DB documentation to determine what is valid here.


Allow you to enable or disable a database connection.

Failover Datasource

The connection to use when this connection is not available.

Failover Mode

How to handle failover and recovery. See below for more information on failover.

Slow Query Log Threshold

Queries that take longer than this amount of time, in milliseconds, will be logged making it easier to find queries that are not performing well.


Advanced Settings

There are a variety of advanced settings that should not need to be changed under normal circumstances. Their descriptions are shown on the settings page.

Database Connection Failover

Database connections support "failover", by which objects that use that connection will use a different connection if it is unavailable. The failover datasource determines which connection will be used, and the failover mode determines when, if ever, the connection will switch back to the primary connection. Standard mode dictates that the secondary connection will be used only until the primary connection is available again. Sticky, instead, will continue to use the secondary connection until that connection fails, or until the system is restarted.