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Database Access

Access to relational databases is at the heart of the Ignition platform. Ignition can connect to any SQL database that has a JDBC driver, though depending on the database's capabilities, some features may not be available.

Why use Databases?

Ignition can perform many tasks without the use of a database. For instance, the Vision and OPC-UA modules can be used to create powerful HMI status and control screens, SQLTags can be used to generate alarms that can be sent over email, and more. However, tightly integrated database access is a key feature that makes Ignition stand out from its competitors.


Modern relational databases offer amazing storage and querying capabilities with great performance at a price that is incomparable to older legacy historians. While it is true that historians still have a place in the industry, for most applications relational SQL databases not only suffice, but offer much more than what was previously available. Using SQL, you can store and track production information with ease. However, you can also correlate that data to who was on shift, previous runs, downtime, inventory levels and more, naturally and easily. Make the data available to more people using the Vision module's web-launch clients, or integrate the data directly into your company's internal or external website. SQL databases are at the heart of the web and modern corporate IT systems, and now thanks to Ignition, the plant floor as well.

Configuring Database Access

See the Database section under Gateway Configuration for more information about connecting to databases through Ignition.