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Component Layout

Layout is the concept that a component's size and position relative to its parent container's size  and position can be dynamic. This allows the creation of windows that resize gracefully. This is a very important concept because of the web-launched deployment of Vision clients - they often end up being launched on many different monitors with many different resolutions.


This is also important for components that have user-adjustable windows like popup windows. Imagine a popup window that is mostly displaying a large table or chart. If you're running on a large monitor, you may want to make the window bigger to see the table or chart easier. Of course, this is only useful if the table or chart actually gets larger with the window.


Changing a component's layout is as simple as right-clicking on the component and opening the Layout dialog box. You can also alter the default layout mode that gets assigned to new components. See Designer Window Editing Properties.

Relative vs Anchored Layout

There are two layout modes, and they are set on a per-component basis. Both affect the component's size and position relative to its parent container. The root container's size is dictated by the window size.

Relative Layout

Relative layout is the default mode. This is a simple but effective layout mode that simply keeps a component's size and position relative to its parent container constant, even as the parent container grows or shrinks. More precisely, it remembers the component's position and size as a percentage of its parent's bounds at the last time the window was saved. Relative layout also has the option of scaling a component's font appropriately.

Example of Relative Layout

Example of Relative Layout


Note that relative layout mode respects aspect ratio. So if the parent component is distorted, the contents will not be. The extra space is distributed evenly on both sides of the contents.

Relative layout preserves aspect ratio

Relative layout preserves aspect ratio


Anchored Layout

Anchored layout lets you specify various "anchors" for the component. The anchors dictate how far each of the 4 edges of the component stay from their corresponding edges in the parent container. For example, if you anchor top and left, then your component will stay a constant distance from top and left edges of its parent. Since you didn't specify an anchor for the right or bottom sides, they won't be affected by the layout.

Components anchored top and left

Components anchored top and left


If you anchor bottom and right instead, the components will again stay the same size (since you didn't specify an anchor for their other edges, but they will stay a constant distance from their parent's right and bottom edges.

Components anchored bottom and right

Components anchored bottom and right

Of course, you can mix and match the various modes. There are also special centering anchors. The following image shows the following:

The square uses a horizontal and vertical centering anchor. It is centered, and stays the same size.
The triangle is anchored bottom and west.
The circle is anchored top, left, bottom, and west. This means that its edges are all anchored and stay a fixed distance to each of its parent's edges, so it grows.
Components with various anchoring modes

Components with various anchoring modes



Client Minimum Size

Clients can define a minimum size, because even with dynamic layout, you usually don't want the client to get too small. This is because it would become unusable and unreadable. This is what the Minimum Size property is for. By default it is set to 800x600, but you can adjust it. See Client User Interface Properties.