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Anatomy of a Window

Name and Path

Windows are the top-level unit of design for Vision projects. A window is identified by its path, which is the name of all its parent folders plus its name, with forward slashes (/) in between. For example, the path to a window in the top level called MainWindow would simply be its name, whereas the path to a window named UserOptions under a folder called OptionsWindows would be: OptionsWindows/UserOptions.

Titlebar and Border

A window may display a titlebar and/or a border. The titlebar allows the user to drag the window around, and houses the window's close and maximize/restore buttons. The border of a window can be used to resize the window when it is floating or docked. Whether on not the titlebar and border are displayed depends on the values of the window's titlebar and border display policy properties, and its current state. Commonly, a window will display both a titlebar and border when it is floating, but only a titlebar when maximized. It is often desirable to remove titlebars and borders on maximized windows.

Root Container

Inside a window is always the root container. This is a normal container component except that it cannot be deleted or resized - its size is always set to fill the entire window. The root container is where you will place all of your components in the window.