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Vision Module

The Vision module provides the visual elements of Ignition. Vision offers a wide range of functionality, and can be used to create HMI style control systems, data analysis and trending applications, executive dashboards, and more. The projects are designed using the Ignition Designer, and clients are web-launched with zero installation from any Java capable computer.


Create your ideal control system in minutes

Combined with the power of SQLTags, it's never been easier to build effective status and control systems. Drag and drop tags on the screen to create automatically bound buttons, HOA toggles, LED displays, value entry fields, and more. Drag tags directly onto component properties to bind bi-directionally in seconds. The innovative overlay system provides intuitive data quality feedback with no additional configuration.

Vector graphics

Powerful vector-graphics drawing tools allow you to create inviting graphics for your project. Vector graphics are screen-resolution independent, allowing screens to look great on any size monitor. Advanced graphics features like gradients, Bézier curves, transparency, are easily accessible with the intuitive drawing tools. Create your own symbols, import them from *.svg files using drag-and-drop, or use the Symbol Factory module to access nearly 4,000 ready to use, professional-quality vector symbols.

World-class charting capabilities

The Ignition Vision module offers a variety of charting and trending options. The Easy Chart, as its name suggests, makes it incredibly easy to create useful and powerful charts. The charts support multiple axes, sub-plots, many pens, and hundreds of thousands of data points. Using SQLTags Historian, creating charts is as simple as drag-and-drop, and charts intelligently pull just the data they need, making clients more efficient.

Integrated database connectivity

The Ignition Vision module is the world's most database friendly HMI/SCADA application. Working with SQL databases is integrated into many aspects of the project design process, allowing you to integrate process and business data effortlessly.

Unlimited potential

Web-launched clients, the ability to seamlessly connect multiple projects through Retargeting, and no licensing restrictions on screens, tags, components or clients means the system can grow over time.