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Transferring Servers

There are only two things to consider when transferring your installation to a new server.


On The Old Server


 If you are using a USB licensing key then this step is simple.  Remove the USB key from this machine and transfer it to the other machine.


 If not, you need to first visit the System > Licensing section of the Ignition Gateway and follow the link to unactivate. This step is important.  If you do not unactive first you will either use up available activations, if your account has them, or need to contact support and get your installation unactivated manually over the phone.


2. Backup

 You need either a copy of the most recent backup (You are making backups, right?  See the Making Backups section for more information) or to go ahead and make a backup at this point in time.  This backup file is how you will transfer your existing settings to the new server.


On The New Server


 Restore your settings using the backup file from the old server. Restoring from a backup is done under the System > Backup/Restore section on the Ignition Gateway.  Click "Choose File",        navigate to your backup file, and then click "Restore".


2. Activate

 Activate your new installation of Ignition.