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Takes a dataset and returns a new dataset with a one row altered. Datasets are immutable, so it is important to realize that this function does not actually change the row in the argument dataset. You'll need to do something with the new dataset that this function creates to achieve something useful.


To alter the row, this function takes a Python dictionary to represent the changes to make to the specified row. The keys in the dictionary are used to find the columns to alter. See also: Sequences and Dictionaries.


system.dataset.updateRow(dataset, rowIndex, changes)


Dataset dataset - The starting dataset. Will not be modified (datasets are immutable), but acts as the basis for the returned dataset.

int rowIndex - The index of the row to update (starting at 0)

PyDictionary changes - A Dictionary of changes to make. They keys in the dictionary should match column names in the dataset, and their values will be used to update the row.


Dataset - A new dataset with the values at the specified row updated according to the values in the dictionary.




This example could be used to dynamically change the data that an Easy Chart displays. In this simple example, we assume that the chart is always configured to display a single tank's level. This script would update the pen being displayed using a dynamic tank number.


# Generate new tag name and tag path

tankNumber = 5

newName = "Tank%d Level" % tankNumber

newPath = "Tanks/Tank%d/Level" % tankNumber


# Consolidate changes into a dictionary

updates = {"NAME": newName, "TAG_PATH":newPath}


# Update the Easy Chart

chart = event.source.parent.getComponent("Easy Chart")

newPens = system.dataset.updateRow(chart.tagPens, 0, updates)

chart.tagPens = newPens