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Other Modules

The pluggable module architecture allows quick integration of new modules into the Ignition platform. From time to time new modules will be release which add additional features. Third party modules that provide a wide range of functionality are also available.


Driver modules

Drivers for the OPC-UA module are deployed as modules themselves. While they don't add a visible element to the system, they are loaded and upgraded in the same manner as other Ignition modules.


Symbol Factory Module

This module integrates Symbol Factory 2.5 from Software Toolbox into the Ignition Designer. The intuitive interface allows you to browse and search  through nearly 4,000 high quality vector graphics symbols. Once you find the symbol you're looking for, simple drag-and-drop it onto a Vision window to use it right away. Double-click on the symbol to change it, or dynamically animate parts of it to bring your project to life.


Web Browser Module

This module adds a web-browser component to the Vision Module. This component allows you to embed other webpages from the internet or from your local intranet inside of your projects. The browser is based upon the open source project Chromium, and supports modern web technology such as HTML5, CSS, and Javascript.


SMS Notification Module

This module adds the ability to send alarm notifications via SMS. The Alarm Notification Module is required for this module to work. The SMS messages are sent through an Airlink Raven XE modem, which must be purchased separately.


Voice Notification Module

This module adds the ability to send alarm notifications as a phone call. It uses an advanced text-to-speech library to turn the alarm message into audio. The phone call is mode using SIP, a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. If you do not have an available VoIP server on-premise, a Skype Connect connection can be made, or a plain telephone line can be used by purchasing a product such as the Atcom IP01 phone gateway.