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Launch the Designer

Now that we have some connections set up (or not, if you skipped the last two steps. They were optional, after all), we'll web-launch the Designer.


Web-launching is one of the best parts about Ignition. This is how we launch both the Designer, which is where you'll configure your projects, and our Ignition Vision Clients. Web-launching is a technology that lets you launch a full-fledged application with zero installation just by clicking a link on a webpage. This means that with Ignition, you'll only ever need to install the Gateway. All of your Clients and Designers do not need to be installed, and they are always kept up-to-date. Once you start using web-launched clients, you'll wonder how you ever did without them.


In order to successfully web-launch, you'll need Java 5 or Java 6 installed. If you're on the computer that's running the Ignition Gateway, you already have Java installed - the Ignition installer made sure of that. If you're on a computer that is accessing the Gateway over the network, the Java Detection panel on the bottom of the Gateway's homepage will detect whether or not Java is installed.

Launch the Designer

To launch the Designer, simple press the big "Launch Designer" button in the upper right-hand corner of any Gateway page. Once the Designer starts up, you'll see the login pane. The default username for the Designer is the same as for the Gateway Configuration section: admin / password


The next window will prompt you to open a project. You don't have any projects yet - so click on the "Create New" tab. Enter a name for your new project (no spaces!) and press the "Create" button. That's it - you're now editing your project!