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Ignition Designer

The Ignition Designer is a web-launched application that lets you configure and build your projects. The application is launched from the gateway homepage. See Gateway Navigation for more information.


Project structure and the designer

The Ignition gateway runs projects, and it is possible to create any number of projects. Each project consists of settings and project resources, objects that are defined by modules.


When the designer is opened, you will be asked to select or create a project. The designer will then display one or more workspaces according to the modules that are installed, and you will be able to create and modify different types of project resources. When the project is saved, the modifications are sent to the gateway, where they are handled by the appropriate modules.


Working concurrently on projects

It is possible for multiple designers to operate on the same project concurrently. This situation is common in large projects where multiple people may be involved. When a particular resource is being edited, it will be locked, and the other designers won't be able to edit it. When the project is saved, the resource will be unlocked.


Concurrent edits will be received by other designers only when "Update Project" is clicked from the file menu.