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Advanced / runScript

runScript(scriptFunction, [pollRate])

Runs a single line of Python code as an expression. If a poll rate is specified, the function will be run repeatedly at the poll rate. This is a very powerful way for you to add extensions to the expression language.


For example, one could write a project script module function called that queried a web service for the current temperature at a given zipcode, and then bind the value of a label to the return value of that function.


You could implement with this Python script:

# This function would query Yahoo Weather for the temperature at
# the given zipcode and find the temperature using a regular expression
def getTempAt(zipCode):
   import system
   import re #Regular Expression library 

   yahooURL = ""
   response = + str(zipCode))
   # NOTE - if you've never seen regular expressions before, don't worry, they look
   # confusing even to people who use them frequently.
   pattern = re.compile('.*?<yweather:condition (.*?)/>', re.DOTALL)
   match = pattern.match(response)
   if match:
      subText =
      temp = re.compile('.*?temp="(.*?)"').match(subText).group(1)
      return int(temp)
      system.gui.errorBox("Yahoo weather service changed")
      return -1


And then you could use this expression to bind a property value to the weather:

runScript("'95818')", 15000)

... This would bind a property to the temperature in sunny Sacramento, CA, and would refresh itself every 15 seconds.


See also:

About Python