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Find / Replace

The Find / Replace tool is a very handy tool. It can be used to search an entire project for where a tag gets used. The replace feature can also be used to to make mass changes to a project with very little effort. To open the Find/Replace dialog box, choose the menu item under the Edit menu or use the shortcut Ctrl-F.



To search through your project, simply type what you're searching for in the text field at the top and press the Find button. You can use the wildcard character (*) which will match anything, and the single-character wildcard character (?).


For example, to find all references to a tag that include the string "Motor", you'd search for "Motor*". This would match things like "Motor15", "MotorHOA", etc, whereas the search query "Valve?Status" would match "Valve1Status" but not "Valve38Status"


Target Scope

To narrow down your search, it is often useful to specify a narrow search target. The Find / Replace system searches through many different parts of a project, and through SQLTags as well. The target settings let you specify exactly what to search through. By unchecking boxes in the target section, you can avoid search results that you aren't interested in.



When you execute a search, all matching items appear in the search results section. You can double-click on an item in the results table to bring that item into editing focus in the Designer.



To use the replace feature, select a result entry after doing a search. You'll see the current value with the matching area in bold-face font. Enter the text you'd like to use as a replacement in the Replace text-box, and you'll be shown a preview of the new value in the preview box. Hit the Replace button to execute the replace. This will move your selection down in the results table so that you can rapidly execute multiple replacements. If you're satisfied that you'd like to make the identical replacement to many items, select them all in the results table in hit the Replace All button.