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The delay block simply blocks events for the specified amount of time before forwarding them to the next block. They are generally used to wait for the dropout condition to become satisfied for an alarm. For example, a 5 minute delay might be used to give operators viewing control screens a chance to acknowledge, and only send notifications if they haven't (the "active delay" deadband on the alarm could be used to delay the alarm as well, but in that case it wouldn't actually be active, and therefore not displayed, for the delay time).


Delays are often also used to control flow in a pipeline. For example, in an "escalation" scenario, a notification block might be used to send emails. Since emails are sent instantly, and acknowledgement occurs "asynchronously" (the user must see the email and click the link or log into the system), a delay block could be used to provide time for the user to acknowledge, before moving on to a voice notification block.


There is no practical limit to how long a delay can be. The delay is calculated independently for each event entering the block, meaning that each event will be held for the specified time.