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Database Driving Provider

The database driving provider extends the database provider adding the ability to execute tags. The values will be stored to the SQLTags tag database in the specified database.



The database driving provider is a feature of the SQL Bridge module. It is only available when the module is installed.



The driving provider shares most of the settings of the database provider. However, it adds some key properties for driving and browsing.


Driver name

The unique name of this driver. Since the tags are stored in a central database, there may be multiple providers and drivers operating on them. This name will be used to identify this driver instance, and the tags that it executes. While the driving provider will read all of the tags stored in the database, it will only execute those tags that are assigned to it.

Enable browsing (of OPC servers)

Allows remote browsing of the OPC servers available to this driver over TCP/IP. This allows other gateways to remotely browse and add tags assigned to this driver into the central database.

Browse port

The port to listen on for remote connections. This port must not be in use by any other entity on the machine. Also, each driving provider that wishes to support browsing must have its own port.

Browse address

The IP address/network name that remote gateways will use when browsing. Therefore, care must be taken that the address is available from the gateways that will try to connect. Also, since it is used for access by remote systems, it should not be the loopback address (localhost or


The browse address and port will be stored in the SQLTags database so that other gateways can easily look them up. After the settings are configured, you should immediately see the driver name in the OPC browse list for the external provider on other systems looking at the same database.


Note: When using remote browsing, make sure that the local firewall has an exception for the port that is used to listen. Otherwise, remote machines will not be allowed to connect.