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Creating tags

Creating From OPC Tags

The easiest and most common way to create tags is to drag items into the Tag Browser window from the OPC Browser opc_browser. After browsing OPC and finding the tags that you want, simply drag and drop them onto the correct tag provider, and the system will create OPC tags for each.


Creating Tags Manually

The above method only works for OPC tags, and then only for browsable tags. For other types of tags, as well as OPC tags that cannot be obtained through browsing, you can click on the "new tag" button new_sqltag or right-click on the provider node and select "New Tag".


Converting Tag Types

Once created, it is possible to convert a tag to a different type- such as from OPC to Expression. To do this, right click on the tag, and select "Convert Tag" tag_convert_16. All relevant properties of the tag are maintained, and other properties will be ignored.


Re-naming Tags

Tags can be named anything (inside the rules of allowed characters). In other words, it is not necessary that tag's name be related at all to its underlying data source (opc path, for instance). This provides a level of indirection that is convenient for systems whose underlying data storage changes, or for system with many repeat tag structures. By providing tags with meaningful names and arranging them in hierarchical folders, indirect binding can be used to create robust screens that can be used for multiple systems.


Valid characters for SQLTag names include spaces and the following:
