In addition to their properties, many components can be further customized using a Customizer. Many components will have more than one customizer. You can open the customizer for any component by right-clicking on it and choosing the Customizers menu, or by using the customizer split-button ( ) in the Vision main toolbar.
Customizers are used to configure components in ways that are too complex or cumbersome for basic properties. Some customizers are used repeatedly for many different components, for example, the "Custom Properties" customizer and the "Styles" customizer. Other customizers are unique for their component, for example the "Easy Chart" cutsomizer or the "Report Designer" customizer.
Expert Tip: Often, a customizer is really just a user-friendly user interface to one or more expert properties. For example, all the Easy Chart customizer really does is modify the contents of the pens, tagPens, calcPens, axes, and subplots Dataset properties. Knowing this is very powerful, because this means you can also use Property Bindings and scripting to modify the values of these expert properties at runtime, giving you the ability to dynamically perform complex manipulations of components.