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Block Group


The block group is so named because it writes "blocks" of data to a database table, consisting of multiple rows and columns.


General Description

A block group contains one or more block items. Each block item maps to a column in the group's table, and then defines any number of values (OPC or SQLTag items) that will be written vertically as rows under that column. The values may be defined in the block item in two modes. The first, List mode, lets a list of value-defining items to be entered. These value items may either by OPC items, SQLTag items, or static values. The second mode, Pattern mode, can be useful when OPC item paths or SQLTag paths contain an incrementing number. You may provide a pattern for the item's path, using the wildcard marker {?} to indicate where the number should be inserted.


Block groups are very efficient, and can be used to store massive amounts of data to the database (for example, 100 columns each with 100 rows- 10,000 data points- will often take only a few hundred milliseconds to write, depending on the database). They are also particularly useful for mirroring array values in the database, as each element will appear under a single column, and share the same data type.


Like the standard group, the block group can insert a new block, or update the first, last or a custom block. Additionally, the group can be set to only insert rows that have changed in the block.


In addition to block items, the group can have other OPC items, SQLTag references, and Expression items. These items can be used for triggers, handshakes, etc. They may also target a column to be written, and will write their single value to all rows in the block.


Group Settings

Beyond the differences in the data, namely that the block group works with multiple rows instead of just 1, this group type shares many similarities with the Standard Group.


The unique settings are:

Store row id - Each row will be assigned a numeric id, starting at 0. If selected, this id will also be stored with the data.
Store block id - If selected, an incremental block id will be stored along with the data. This number will be 1 greater than the previous block id in the table.
Insert new block vs. Insert changed rows - If "insert new block" is selected, each row of the block will be inserted when the group executes, even if the data has not changed. By contrast, "insert changed rows" will only insert the rows that have new data. The latter mode is particularly useful for recording history for many data points on a "on change" basis, provided there is a unique id column defined. The "store row id" feature is useful for this, as well as the ability to reference the item path in an item's value property.
Update Custom block - Like standard groups, this setting allows you to target a specific section of the table, using SQL where clause syntax, with the ability to bind to dynamic item values. Unlike standard groups, however, the where clause specified should result in enough rows to cover the block. Excess rows will not be written to, but fewer rows will result in a group warning indicating that some data could not be written.



Typical Uses

Block groups are useful in a number of situation where you need to deal with a lot of data efficiently.

Mirroring/Synchronizing array values to DB - Arrays are often best stored vertically, which makes them perfect for block groups. Pattern mode makes configuration a breeze by allowing to you specify the array as a pattern, and set the bounds.
Recipe management - Like standard groups, but when set points are better stored vertically than horizontally.
Vertical history tables - Group data points by data type (int, float, string), create a copy of the item that stores item path, and then use the insert changed rows option to create your own vertically storing historical tables. Create additional copies of the block item that refer to quality and timestamp in order to get further information about the data point.