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Basic Gateway Settings

The basic gateway settings are found under Configuration > Gateway Settings. They define high-level settings that apply to the entire gateway.


System Name

A unique name for this Ignition installation. It is used to distinguish between this server and others on the network when working with multiple Ignition installations.

System user source

The user source used to secure access to the Gateway, as well as to the Designer.

Gateway Config Roles

A comma-separated list of roles, one of which will be required in order to log into the Gateway's configuration section. These roles roles should be defined in the System user source.

Status Page Roles

Required roles to access the Gateway's status section. Leave blank to remove security restrictions for this section.

Home Page Roles

Required roles to access the Gateway's home section. Leave blank to remove security restrictions for this section. Note that this is only used to limit access to the homepage itself, each project will have its own user source for limiting access to the runtimes.

Designer Roles

The roles that will be granted access for logging into the Designer.

Global Resource Protection

The roles that will be granted the ability to modify global resources such as alarm pipelines.

Allow User Admin

Allows administration of the Gateway's system user source from the Designer or Client.


Forces the clients to use SSL encrypted communication when talking to the gateway. It is recommended that you purchase and install a genuine SSL certificate if you use this option. See the guide in the Deployment section of this manual.

Persist Alarms

Whether or not alarm properties such as acknowledgment should be persisted across Gateway restarts.

Update Notifications

Whether or not a notification bar will be displayed if a new version of Ignition is available.

Update Notifications

When enabled a notification bar will be displayed at the top of the configuration page when a new version of Ignition is available for download.  This only works if your server is connected to the internet.


Launch Link Script Policy

Controls how the HTML that launches Clients and Designer functions. If set to JavaScript, the links will use javascript to attempt to launch directly using the Java browser plugin. If set to Direct, the links will be direct links to the *.jnlp files that launch the Client or Designer.

Allowed JREs

Which versions of the Java Runtime Environment will be allowed to web-launch clients and designers.

Designer Memory

The maximum memory that the designer may use.

Disable Direct3D / Disable DirectDraw

These advanced properties affect launched Clients and Designers on Windows OS only. These flags control whether or not the Java Swing windowing subsystem may use Direct3D and/or DirectDraw. Disabling these features may incur a performance penalty, but might be required for some video cards that have faulty DirectX drivers.


Enable Local Fallback

Enables a client to automatically load a project from a locally running Gateway when communication is lost from a central Gateway See the Local Client Fallback section for more details.

Seconds Before Failover

The number of seconds to wait before switching over to the local Gateway after comm loss.

Fallback Project

The local project to use during fallback. Note that the project must be a published project and it must contain at least one main window.


Scheduled Backups

These 4 properties (enable, backup folder, backup times, and retention count) control the Gateway's scheduled backup system. This system is capable of automatically making a Gateway backup and storing it to a folder path, which may be a network path. When you enable this system, you must specify a destination folder. This may be a local folder, for example "C:\backups" or "/var/backups" or a network path such as "\\fileserver\backups".


The scheduled backup system works on a schedule that is specified using UNIX crontab syntax. This is a standard format for specifying a basic schedule. The format consists of five space-separated fields, one for minute, hour, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week.  The special character * means "all". Slashes can be used to indicate that values should be stepped, for example, */5 in the minutes field means "every 5 minutes", or 0:00, 0;05, 0:10, etc. Some examples:

5 * * * *

Once an hour, on the :05 minute. 0:05, 1:05, 2:05, etc.

*/15 * * * *

Every 15 minutes, on the quarter-hour. 0:15, 0:30, 0:45; 1:00, 1:15, etc.

30 5 * * Mon

Every Monday at 5:30am

* 6-14 * * *

Every minute, but only between 6am and 2pm

*/5 8-17 * * 1-5

Every 5 minutes between 8am and 5pm but only during the week (1-5). 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.

0 1 5 * *

Once a month, on the 5th day at 1am


If something is wrong with the scheduled backup system it will store error messages to the Gateway logs.


Multicast Settings

These properties allow the Gateway to broadcast information about itself via multicast UDP packets. This allows the Gateway to be discoverable by any components that are also listening to the same multicast address. For example, native client launchers listen on a multicast address to provide a list of available gateways on the network. Verify that the send ports and receive ports are open on the gateway machine in order to be able to broadcast multicast messages.