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Adding a New Device

To add a new Device go to the "Devices" section of the OPC-UA module configuration in the Ignition Gateway.  Click "Add a Device..." and you will be taken to a page where you can select the driver to use.  Choose your driver and click the "Next" button.


"General" settings common to all devices are as follows:


Device Name

The user-defined name for this Device.  The name chosen will show up in OPC Item Paths and under the "Devices" folder on the OPC-UA server.


The Device Name must be alphanumeric.

Browse Timeout

Amount of time (in milliseconds) before a browse operation on this device times out.

Read Timeout

Amount of time (in milliseconds) before a read operation on this device times out.

Write Timeout

Amount of time (in milliseconds) before a write operation on this device times out.

Enable Device

Only devices that are enabled will appear in the "Devices" folder of the OPC-UA server and thus have their tags available for use.


These timeout settings refer to the communication between the device driver and the OPC-UA server and usually can be left at their default values.  Any device specific settings will be unique to each driver and you will see these (if there are any) listed below the "General" settings category in separate categories of their own.